Cowan keeps his links with VC Baracchi

Velo Club Baracchi riders are continuing to get in their training rides, lucky that there has been so little cold weather so far this winter.

Four riders rode just over 60 miles on Sunday on the club run, going first to Halesworth and then into Norfolk via Homersfield.

The club’s furthest-flung rider, Tim Cowan, recently rode what he claimed to be a VCB club run in Auckland, New Zealand, where he is proud to wear the club’s colours.

Tim Cowan in Auckland

Tim Cowan in Auckland

Attention will now fall on the New Year’s Day open 10-mile time trial staged by CC Breckland on the A11 road from Besthorpe to the Mulbarton B1135 roundabout and back.

There is a field of 40 riders for this out of season special, four of whom are from VCB; Chris Womack, Liam Gentry, Mark Richards and Paul Dennington.

Local rider Nick Esser of Team Pedal Revolution has also entered. Those expected to be fast include Paul Jay of Team VeloVelocity, James Rush of CC Sudbury and Steve Wood of Peterborough CC, together with the home club’s Declan Davis.

The “Wrinklies ride” that would have been on New Year’s Day has been changed to New Year’s Eve at the usaual 9am start time from Carlton Colville church, followed by a café stop and an optional visit to the pub.

Velo Club Baracchi wishes all readers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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