Gentry in dead heat at Godric 10

There was no way to separate the times of Velo Club Baracchi rider Liam Gentry and Team Pedal Revolution rider Matt Smith, who rode to joint first place in the Godric CC 10-mile club time trial last week in 22:44.

Gentry ready to ride

Gentry ready to ride

The odds seem to be against dead heats but they happen surprisingly often.

Initially it seemed there had been an even better ride by Steve Konrad of Gt Yarmouth CC in his second 10-mile time trial. It was a timing miscalculation and he was actually third with 22:59, though still a brilliant ride.

Other VCB times were Mark Richards, fourth in 23:27, George Kerridge 24:53, John Swanbury 26:14, Tim Revell 29:56 (PB) and John Thompson 30:52.
It was sunny and cool but rather breezy from the west. There were 22 solo riders and Jim Burgess and Simon Scott of Anglia Velo achieved 21:30 on a tandem.

Gt Yarmouth CC currently runs 8.25-mile club time trials on Thursdays on a revised Somerleyton course but as yet no VCB rider has had a go.

Their 25-mile event scheduled for last Sunday had to be cancelled because if issues with the revised course. Sadly the old club 25-mile course cannot be run because of all the construction work at Bradwell.

The Tri Anglia 100-mile time trial scheduled for last Saturday had to be cancelled in advance because of road works, which disappointed many. They included VCB’s Chris Womack, who had entered.

P1060421Partly as a result of there being nothing much going on in time trials last weekend there were ten riders out on the VCB club run, some of them sporting the new kit. The design has proved to be very popular.

On the club run

On the club run

The ride went first to Homersfield via Brampton and the Saints and returning via South Norfolk after a ride up Dove Hill to Woodton and a Bungay café stop.
John Thompson, however, travelled almost to St Neots to ride a rather unusual 11.2-mile time trial with just 16 entries, half of them from the promoting club, St Neots CC.

A mechanical

A mechanical

It was on a triangular sporting course starting and finishing near Abbotsley, with some good hills and a headwind for the first three miles or so. He said, “My time was 35:50, which I guess was okay considering the nature of it.” David McGaw (Cambridge CC) won in 24:17, a course record.

The date for next year’s Beccles Cycle for Life will be May 15, keeping it clear of the Suffolk Sunrise the week before, which some riders also like to ride.
The Beccles Rotary organisers of Beccles Cycle for Life have expressed gratitude to everyone who supported the event this year and are hoping a good proportion of the riders will raise some sponsorship money.

VCB at the Beccles Cycle for Life

VCB at the Beccles Cycle for Life

The draw for a £400 bike for a sponsored rider provided by Norfolk & Suffolk Financial Services Limited and supplied by Life Cycles will take place on 27th June at the Beccles Hospital Fete.

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