New Club Kit is in the pipeline

Irish cycling c1897 Waterford Bicycle Club.sepia

Just a little before our time (1897), these gentlemen in Waterford, Ireland, are NOT wearing our current kit but it could be an option for the revamp!

After nearly twenty years of continuous use the current kit design may have turned into a classic but in recent years there have been various attempts to change it.

At the last AGM there was a consensus in favour of change, and possibly also adding sponsorship.

However, the idea of introducing sponsorship has been dropped and the proposal is to go ahead without it.

Proposed new logo

Proposed new logo

The basis of a new design that has been agreed by members at club meetings.  It was kindly prepared for us by a relative of Pat Womack, Barry Durrant.

The latest news is that club Secretary Nicki is sourcing kit (and has already made some progress) by communicating with manufacturers on the basis of this design.

Please be aware that the final design may well differ in detail, as the kit manufacturers would have to integrate it with their systems and show us what they can do.

However, for those members who have not attended meetings and have not seen the proposals, a copy of the draft design is attached.

The intention is that this will be available for the next season.

There will be nothing at all to prevent members using the old design for leisure riding, time trials and so on.  Many will have lots of clothing they want to use up.

But in the back of some members’ minds is the possibility of re-establishing road racing in the club and in that event it is the new kit that would be registered and used by anyone taking part in road races.

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