Three generations of the Womack clan ride time trial

Three generations of the family Womack took part for Velo Club Baracchi in Gt Yarmouth CC’s penultimate Thursday evening 8.25-mile time trial last week.

Chris Womack achieved 22:09, followed by his son Mark in 22:37 and grandson Josh in 27:37.

Mark Richards was VCB’s fastest rider, second in the event in 19:14, which is just over 25.7mph.

Richard Allen of VCB enjoys this sporting course and he achieved 25:59. Twenty-six rode.

Richards so nearly won, but Steve Konrad of the home club took just one second less to ride the Lound course, winning in 19:13.

Louis Julian and Nick Esser of Team Pedal Revolution were third and fourth respectively in 19:43 and 20:29.

Gathering for the ride

Gathering for the ride

On the previous day a dozen riders, predominantly VCB members, set off from Carlton Colville for a 100-mile ride that included a lunch stop in Woodbridge, a brief pause in Eye and a café stop in Bungay. They joined up with another three in Westleton.

On the road, Rendlesham Forest

On the road, Rendlesham Forest

It was a wonderfully warm day and a good time was had by all, though some riders were finding the last few miles hard. Chris Womack certainly felt these miles in his legs when he raced the time trial a day afterwards.

Richards also rode the Diss CC 10 and was third in 22:32 to Nick Partridge of Plomesgate CC (22:11) and Simon Scott of Anglia Velo (22:32). 17 rode.

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