Titch wins Velo Club Baracchi Rider of the Year title

Velo Club Baracchi members elected a delighted Mark Richards (usually known as Titch) as their Rider of the Year on Saturday at the club’s prize presentation evening at the Carlton PH.

Mark "Titch" Richards with the Rider of the Year Trophy presented by Liam Gentry

Mark “Titch” Richards with the Rider of the Year Trophy presented by Liam Gentry

Richards impressed the members to win from among six nominees who had had impressive seasons. Other nominees were Paul Dennington, John Dupen, George Kerridge, Chris Womack and Nicki Hawkes.

In his first season, interrupted by injury, Richards achieved 21:29 for a 10-mile time trial, 57:53 for 25, 1-11:47 for 30 and 1-59:14 for 50, becoming the club champion at 10 and 30 miles. He also won the Baracchi Trophy 2-up time trial jointly with Paul Dennington.

Dennington and Richards won the Baracchi Trophy for two-up TT

Dennington and Richards won the Baracchi Trophy for two-up TT

Chris Womack with his certificate

Chris Womack with his certificate

The main guest of honour to present prizes was Liam Gentry of Strada Sport, who will be riding for the club next year. Brian Boxall, club chairman, introduced the winners.

Dennington in his first complete season after injury last year was champion at 25 miles. His fastest 10 of the year, 20:52, was unbeaten in the year. He also rode a 25-mile time trial in 58:37 and was second in the short course best all-rounder competition with an average of 26.8mph, quick enough to win in most years.

Paul Dennington and one of his trophies

Paul Dennington and one of his trophies

John Dupen, whose quickest 10 was 21:18, took the club veteran record and championship for 25 miles with a 54:49 ride that was 15:15 inside his age-related veteran standard time (described as +15:15). With 27.32mph average he took the short course BAR championship.

A loving moment for John Dupen?

A loving moment for John Dupen?

George Kerridge, with 22:51 for a 10, 57:12 for 25, 1-13:18 for 30 and 2-02:15 took the veteran record for 50 to +16:54. He won the veteran scratch trophy at 10 miles and both the club and veterans’ championships at 50 miles.

Womack, VCB BAR

Womack, VCB BAR

The club’s current senior veteran star, Chris Womack, aged 67, continues to defeat logic and go faster. He knocked out a 10 in 22:13, 25 in 58:01, 30 in 1-15:15, 50 in 2-16:02 and 100 in 4-45:02. Womack won the club and veteran 100-mile championships and, with record pluses of +6:19 and +12:42, the veteran 10 and 30-mile championships.

Nicki Hawkes

Nicki Hawkes

Boxall gave Nicki Hawkes special mention for winning the Jane Travers Memorial Trophy in open competition at the May Day 10-mile time trial and riding times at 10, 25 30 and 50 miles that beat the club’s current records, save that she was a second-claim member. These included 23:38 for 10 miles. She received all the ladies’ trophies including the Rose Bowl for notable performances. Next year she will ride for the club again.

Nicki Hawkes with the Jane Travers Memorial Trophy

Nicki Hawkes with the Jane Travers Memorial Trophy

Titch with Jenny Dale and the Bernard Dale Hill Climb Trophy

Titch with Jenny Dale and the Bernard Dale Hill Climb Trophy

Other trophies included the Bernard Dale Hill Climb Trophy, presented to Richards by Jenny Dale and the Ernie Randall Trophy for 50-mile scratch vet, presented to George Kerridge by Freda Randall. Lee Cook of Rock Estate won the Keith Stephens Memorial Trophy (duathlon).

George Kerridge with Freda Randall and the Ernie Randall memorial Trophy

George Kerridge with Freda Randall and the Ernie Randall memorial Trophy

The tandem trophies were presented to John Swanbury and Ali Banks, who had set a tandem record of 2-02:13 at 50 miles and Swanbury and Steve Grant won the Baracchi HandicapTrophy. Ray Skipper was awarded the Charles Grimmer Memorial Trophy for services to cycling.

A little cup for the 50-mile tandem TT (Swanbury and Banks)

A little cup for the 50-mile tandem TT (Swanbury and Banks)

Ray Skipper was not expecting the Ray Grimmer trophy

Ray Skipper was not expecting the Ray Grimmer trophy

There were 20 riders in time trials in the year, with certificates for them all.

A certificate for Stephen Grant

A certificate for Stephen Grant

Mike Bretton received a certificate (you would never guess from the photo!)

Mike Bretton received a certificate (you would never guess from the photo!)

On the following morning vice-chairman George Kerridge led the club on a ride of nearly 50 miles altogether for the Chairman’s breakfast at Bungay.

The Chairman's Breakfast ride

The Chairman’s Breakfast ride

The Chairman's Breakfast ride

The Chairman’s Breakfast ride

Geeorge ready to tuck in - what a snappy dresser!

Geeorge ready to tuck in – what a snappy dresser!

Even more ready!

Even more ready!

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